目前分類:Once Upon a Time (11)

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Peter Pan 彼得潘



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Sleeping Beauty 睡美人



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Alice in Wonderland 愛麗絲夢遊仙境


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Little Red Riding Hood 小紅帽



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Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸



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Cinderella 灰姑娘


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Pinocchio 小木偶奇遇記



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Rumplestiltskin 名字古怪的小矮人兒

Magic always comes with a price.


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Snow White 白雪公主 


* 本劇的主線故事。  

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There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic chaacters we know. Or think we know. One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. Our world. 


Once Upon a Time為2011年新劇中,我個人最喜歡的一部,除了有眾多童話故事為主題之外,Lost的製作模式以及選角也都相當吸引人。自從看完第一季之後,就一直有個想法 -- 想以童話線為分類,簡介本劇中所有的角色!由於故事架構實在是很龐大,為了減少過多的廢話,故以重點式的方式記錄細節。

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