
其實上個禮拜就看完了,現在正在嗑A Dance with Dragons;但是一整套書看完了就應該要來寫點心得。之前有寫過第一跟第二本的心得,第三跟第四本也沒有讓我失望。

第三本講的是Tally被迫改造成Special後的故事,這本書裡的Tally很明顯的性情大變,不過後來在書中有說明是因為Special並不是像之前Dr. Cable所說的,頭腦裡沒有leison,其實還是有被動過:她們除了身體機能被強化,外觀被改變之外,她們頭腦被改造成易怒、自視甚高、瞧不起其他種類的人。我覺得這本的Tally跟前兩本幾乎是不同人...不過劇情上是說得過去的,而且他的特殊能力就是會自行rewire,所以大概可以知道她之後還是會作對的事情。這本的最後Zane死了,他大概是這一套書裡最悲劇的人物吧?自上一集被Dr. Cable抓回去之後,不但沒有一起被改造成special,反而變成一個行動不便的pretty...當Tally滿懷期待去見他時,卻被他殘弱的模樣震撼到,對他產生厭惡。

The third is probably my favorite one. In the end of the second book, Tally’s attempt to escape has failed: some of her friends got out while she didn’t. She is then altered again into a Special, a rare alteration that turns people into wolf-like, emotionless, physically enhanced superhuman. In this story, we see another city, better with more freedom, and is at the danger with the attack coming from Tally’s city. Tally once again managed to break out of her altered shell, although it ends sadly with Zane’s death, Tally found her true and final project to save the world.

The fourth book is narrated by a different protagonist, Aya. The city is in Japan (I forget which). The setting is interesting however the story is just ok, I guess I started reading the fourth book looking forward to see how Tally plans to save the world, but instead I read about a teenage girl who is desperate for rankings in fame. Tally however does show up, in the middle, her appearance is not much since she is not the protagonist in this book, but it is still good to see that she remained determined in what she wants to do. In the end, with the help of Aya and her friends, Tally successfully saves the world, another decent ending to a good series.


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